Monday, July 26, 2010

Talent Show Bellydance

I finally got my steampunk ear cuff this past Friday. I absolutely love it! It's tiny though... I'll have to be careful not to lose it!

Oh, and in addition, I won 2nd place at the talent show that I did my bellydance in. They had a very diverse group in the adult division. I was happy to receive what I did. =)
Everyone loved my dance... or so they said

I even got 1st place on both of the poems I entered at my county fair. They were the ones entitled "Where It Began" and "Wispy Memory". I entered the first as a poem, the other as prose. I was extremely happy at the results the judges gave me.

Here's a video of my performance from Thursday night (July 22nd, 2010).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Casandra

    I'm so pleased for you. Congratulations!

    Too bad the video isn't better and that the stage didn't have more room on it to dance on.

    I'm pleased as punch you got second place. Now you know you can go further, but also that you are almost there. Great going!

    Hugs, Euphoria
